3 Reasons Why Your Health is Key to Success

Three reasonings that will convince you to pay more attention to the way you eat, sleep, and exercise. How we take care of our body affects our work performance. Skipping your weekly routine because “you don’t have time” will only make you adopt negative habits that, in turn, will impact your mood and productivity. Also, ordering fast food instead of cooking just to go to the supermarket will hurt you much more than you think.
Here, three reasonings that will convince you to pay more attention to the way you eat, sleep and exercise.
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1. Healthy food nourishes your body and feeds a strong mind.
Did you know that some foods make you smarter? The most flattering meals for entrepreneurs’ brains are beets, fish, blackberries, proteins, and nuts. Include them in your daily diet to improve your concentration, focus, memory, and acuity. In addition, to have a deep sleep, consume pure honey, relaxing teas, and easily digestible foods.
The schedules are also important. Don’t let your hunger dictate when you should eat. Studies suggest that the best time for breakfast is between 7 and 7:30 am, lunch between 12:30 and 1 pm, and dinner between 6 and 6:30 pm. Although sticking to a strict schedule is unrealistic due to the amount of work and meetings, following a guide to eating will provide you with a solid structure for your diet and give you enough energy to conquer your day.
Read More: Walking Exercise: The Benefits and Tips to Exercise it Properly
2. Working without sleep generates poor results.
Today, one of the least healthy professional habits is to presume how little he slept the night before. Although it is admirable that a person is willing to sacrifice everything to achieve their goals, even if this means throwing a 48-hour work marathon, this is more counterproductive than effective.
For super successful entrepreneurs like Arianna Huffington and Marc Andreessen, resting what is necessary is a priority. The workers who reveal themselves frequently run out, and this is reflected in their productivity.
According to the division of Sleep at Harvard Medical School, the consequences of not getting enough sleep are disastrous for your health and work performance. “In the short term, lack of sleep can affect your judgment, mood, ability to retain information and learn, and can increase the risk of serious accidents. In the long term, lack of chronic sleep can lead to a large number of health problems, such as obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and even death.”
Often, unveiled workers surprise themselves by staring at a blank screen, struggling to complete tasks, acting aggressively, feeling irritable, or forgetting to complete important assignments. The risks of sleeping less to “earn” an hour or two of work far outweigh the benefits, which are certainly few.
Read More: What is the Most Appropriate Exercise for Me?
3. Exercise refreshes the mind.
In a brief interview, business mogul Richard Branson suggested: “the exercise keeps the brain functioning properly. I can definitely achieve double in a day if I stay fit.”
Daily physical routines are a necessary ingredient for long-term success. In fact, President Barack Obama, Bill Gates and Mark Cuban are aware of this and make a great effort to exercise.
For busy entrepreneurs, there are endless ways to move towards an exercise routine slowly. First, remember that small changes can make huge differences. Start by taking the stairs instead of going up the elevator. Get up every so often from your desk to walk and stretch. Walk to work. You will soon realize that these minor changes will have a great impact on your mood, your safety, and energy level. Very soon you won’t hate going to the gym, or maybe you even enjoy it!