How to start a blog and make money online

The blog is just a website that focuses on written content, and that content is called blog posts. It can seem like there are a lot of news blogs, tech blogs, celebrity blogs, fashion blogs, and many others.
Starting a blog is not a difficult task, but maintaining it can be problematic at times. Generally, the blog is used to write the personal perspective that directly addresses the audience that reads your blog. However, usually, there is a comment section on the blog where the reader can share their questions or reviews on a particular topic.
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In this article, we will discuss some of the more tips for making and continuing a blog that will help you make money.
Is blogging a good way to make money?
Making money has never been an easier task, but through the blog, the amount of money depends on the efforts you make. For example, more time and investment for writing content as well as SEO will generate more revenue.
There is a misconception about the blog that you have to be a qualified author to run a blog. That’s kind of right, but in reality, it’s not necessary, because most people come to the blog to read the real perspective of your thinking.
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It is also not compulsory to have a grip on a particular industry such as technology or sports, instead you should have the potential to write about every niche. This fact is very important for multi-niche bloggers, because a particular niche only brings users of a single industry, while the multi-niches have more opportunities to increase your traffic.
Tips for starting a blog to make money
To start a blog, the first thing that is required to succeed is the passion for your blog. You should never give up in the future or while creating the blog. In the beginning, the sum of revenue is very small and this is the place where most of the starters give up.
The steps that are included in starting the blog are written below:
- Choose a blog name
- Make your blog online
- Customize your blog
- Write and upload your first blog post
- Advertise for your blog
- Earn money with your blog
1. Choose a blog name
Whether you are starting a blog or a website, the first step involves naming your blog, which requires some extra thought. The blog name is very important because it will be the keyword for which it will be known, as well as people will use the name to remember your blog.
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The name should match your niche and you should do research for the market in which you start. Once you have selected, finish the name according to the availability of the domain name.
However, there are several niches where you can open your blog, some of which are listed below:
- Passion & hobbies
- Life experience
- Personal blog
- Technology blogs
- Sports blog
- Fashion blogs
- News Blog
- Event Blog
When choosing the blog name, you should be aware that the name is both descriptive and can explain what your blog is all about.
If you are still unable to find a good name for your blog, then you can take help from the online tools that can generate the blog.
2. Make your blog online
Once you have chosen a name for your blog, it is time to put it online. This is also known as a technical step for your blog because in this step you have to develop and design the blog.
First, you need to register the domain name of a registrar and off you go to buy the appropriate hosting. Remember, choose the hosting that offers an easy installation of WordPress, because WordPress is the best platform to start your blog.
WordPress offers drag & drop development without coding, while it has thousands of themes and plugins to make your blog responsive.
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3. Customize your blog
After you have put your blog online, you should customize your blog to your liking, for example by selecting the theme and changing the colors according to your wishes.
However, there are several options in WordPress to customize your blog. You can edit the colors, logos, sections, menus, widgets, and many other parts of the blog itself. From the theme to the blog post, each section can be modified and created according to your requirement.
4. Write and upload your first post
Now your blog is ready to go and it’s time to publish your first blog post. Just click on the post section in WordPress and add a new post. Remember, you can customize the design after you add the posts.
Start with a title and then the main part. You can simply add the images or other graphics using the drag-and-drop option. However, the best thing is that you can easily preview your post without publishing it.
Do SEO optimization by checking plagiarism and grammar
Once you think your post is done, go for SEO optimization through various plugins like Yoast SEO. Since you use the blog to generate money, you should avoid making duplicate content, while it would be much better to use the plagiarism tool online to scan your content.
Grammatical mistakes in your content might give the search engine a bad impact because search engines always recommend perfection as well as the best user experience. In this regard, you should always check the grammar through online grammar checkers like Grammarly, Hemingway, or Spellcheckplus.
5. Advertise for your blog
Having good content never requires extra effort for advertising. However, below are some of the tips for advertising your blog:
- Make some SEO of your blog
- Use social media to raise blog awareness
- Leave a comment on some other blogs to get a backlink
- Engage with your audience through the comments section
- Create an Email List for Marketing
- Collaboration with other bloggers
6. Make money with your blog
Once you have created and published your blog, it is time to generate the money from it. If you give your blog enough time, you can make it your profession.
However, there are several ways to generate money, some of which are listed below:
- Sell Ad Sections on Your Blog
- Affiliation Marketing
- Memberships in your blog
- Google AdSense
- Guest Contribution
- Paid valuations