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Causes and Preventive Measures of Impacted Wisdom Tooth

Impacted teeth arise when the teeth fail to become apparent because of the gums, or when they emerge only to a limited extent. Your third molars are recognized as wisdom teeth. At age 17 to 21 these wisdom teeth will begin to grow. In your mouth wisdom, teeth will be last to emerge. Most commonly the wisdom teeth will become impacted. Impacted Wisdom Tooth arises when the third molars are placed in an incorrect position in the jaw. They also occur when the teeth don’t have enough space in the mouth to emerge. Sometimes you may not be able to realize the pain of the impacted teeth. But lately, it will cause severe pain and swell which can also affect the teeth nearby and ears too.

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Overview of Symptoms:

Some people will have serious symptoms of the impacted wisdom teeth, as wisdom teeth pain will be very painful. Your gums will be swollen on the jaw side. You will find difficulties while opening your mouth. A feeling of bad taste and breath will make you feel uncomfortable and painful while chewing food. These are considered as the major issues of the appearance of wisdom teeth.


When your jaws don’t get enough space for the wisdom teeth then it is becoming impacted. The wisdom teeth will sometimes grow at a wrong angle so that too can cause the teeth to become impacted. The wisdom teeth can affect your overall health by infecting your throat and neck too. This issue can also destroy your bone but the destruction of bone is rare.

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Complications and Risks:

This wisdom tooth may affect you soon if you are aged 17 to 25 as you will have a small structured jaw. You cannot prevent it but if you maintain your dental hygiene in a better manner, it will help you to avoid potential problems. It will be difficult to clean your wisdom teeth as food will get trapped in it. Infection, cavities, decay, damaging the teeth around and gum diseases are considered as complicated problems.

Treatments for Impacted Wisdom Tooth:

Most of the dentists will suggest you take them out as they cause many dental problems. Removing the impacted teeth is normally a procedure of the outpatient as you can go home the same day after the surgery. The surgery done by oral surgeons is called wisdom teeth extraction. The dentist will use anesthesia to make your mouth numb, relax you from pain, make you fall asleep and feel nothing when surgery is going on. Generally, surgery will be done around 30 to 60 min.

Recovering from extraction:

Most people will get well soon after surgery. You can start doing your normal activities but your mouth will take six weeks to heal completely. You will be forced to take soft foods for a week after the extraction as you may find it hard to open your mouth. The oral surgeon will give you all proper instructions for you to become experienced with little pain, swelling, and bleeding after the surgery.

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Preventing measures:

Keep your teeth clean and healthy. Visit the dentist frequently to maintain your teeth and make it hygienic. Your oral surgeons may easily find the issues in your mouth if you attend them regularly. In some regular cases, some impacted wisdom teeth are not needed to be treated. Your wisdom teeth should be extracted also if they didn’t cause any pain because it may affect the nearby teeth too. Just go for dental check-ups regularly from a young age so it may maintain your dental health better.

Bottom lines:

We wisdom teeth dentist will help you to maintain your oral health well. If your oral health gets affected, it matters on your overall health so never forget to maintain it well. The Dentist can treat the Impacted Wisdom Tooth in the best way and will suggest better ideas to get well easily. The oral surgeons can identify the problems easily before it gets complicated.

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