For anyone who believes that the Internet is a way to waste time only, you must change your accounts completely as you can become wealthy and money owner if you use these methods. You can feel more secure on internet while doing surfing. Here’s how to make Positive Use of Internet.
How to make Positive Use of Internet
For fans of writing and especially big stories, you can make a big profit financially by selling these stories and writings over the Internet, or submitting articles and press reports to the news and social sites paid for these articles rather than financially.
Sell your designs
If you are a professional in design and graphics, you can sell your designs on products and products in the ” Zazzle ” site , which offers you good amounts and different according to the magnificence and professional design.
Blogging is a place to write and publish all that the blogger likes of Amort related to the person, so it is one of the most important sources of money through the ads that may be placed on the blog, and is usually placed ads either through the participation of advertising programs that activate the service “Google” ads. For anyone who wants to create a blog, he has to be familiar with writing through a style that appeals to the proud, in addition to the design that will distinguish the introduction from others.
Avoid these things on social networks
Social networks have a wide range of platforms and sites that contain millions of pages and accounts, so you enter a world that is no different from our real life. Here are some things you should avoid:
Forget about privacy
Each social network provides special settings to protect the privacy of the user and the content that he or she publishes. For example, the Facebook network gives you many options for who you want to share your personal publications with.
However, many users ignore these settings to find that their photos they want to share with friends have become available to everyone. So, you should be aware when posting any information or image on social networks as well as adding information to your profile.
Lack of doubt and permanent ratification
Over the past few months, false news has become increasingly prevalent on social networks. Although social networks have taken some measures to curb this phenomenon, they are still very widespread.
Publication details details
Social networks are basically found to share your special moments with the people you care about, or the moments you deserve to share with your friends. But it is not reasonable to publish every meal you take on your Instagram account, for example.