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How to Reach Advertisers on Facebook who have Your Personal Data

Facebook is known to allow advertisers to specifically target certain groups of people, but did you know that you can now see advertisers who target you with their ads based on your personal data?

As part of Facebook’s attempt to be more transparent, you can now see advertisers displaying ads using the list of contacts that contain your information. This information is collected by advertisers and uploaded to Facebook as a way to control the identity of the ads displayed.

Here’s how to find this information on Facebook and the Facebook app for mobile devices:

1. Using the Facebook website

To find ad settings on Facebook you can click on this link to go directly to it, but to access it whenever you want. You can use Facebook lists by following these steps:

  • Go to your Facebook account through your computer
  • Click on the list of settings Settings that will reach it by clicking on the small down arrow next to your name and your picture in the top bar

How to reach advertisers on Facebook who have your personal data

  • Click the Ads option in the menu bar on the right

How to reach advertisers on Facebook who have your personal data

  • Click on the advertisers you interact with Advertisers you’ve interacted with option
  • Then see a section of who added their contact list to Facebook who have added their contact list to Facebook

How to reach advertisers on Facebook who have your personal data

  • You will see a list of advertisers on Facebook. You can still click on the See More See More button. To view the entire list, I had hundreds of advertisers on my list, most of whom I have not heard of before

How to reach advertisers on Facebook who have your personal data
2. By applying Facebook to your phone

  • Open the Facebook app
  • Click on the existing three-line code to open the options menu
  • Click the Settings & Privacy option
  • Press Settings
  • Scroll down to the Ads section
  • Click the Ad Preferences option

How to reach advertisers on Facebook who have your personal data

  • Click on the Advertisers you’ve interacted with option
  • Then look at the Advertisers section who uploaded a contact list containing your Advertisers information who uploaded a contact list with your info
  • Click the See All button to see the full menu

How to reach advertisers on Facebook who have your personal data

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